Vintage Chalet and Lorraine glass

We love the glow and sparkle of all this beautiful, heavy glass.

Chalet was in business from 1962 to 1975. They had a factory in Cornwall, Ontario.

Three master glass artisans from Venice: Angelo Tedesco, Luigi Tedesco and Sergio Pagnin founded the factory. As business flourished, they hired more glassblowers.

As Conrad Biernacki writes in an article on this glass “The jewel tones of Chalet Glass caught everyone’s attention in the 1960s.The brilliant transparent colours were delightfully appealing”.. Without the use of moulds, no two examples were perfectly identical… The final free-form result was so fluid that it could nobly be described as a flight of the imagination”.

Biernacki goes on to explain why one could and might collect Chalet glass now:

1. Design historians appreciate its originality in shape and colour.

2. They complement a retro decor.

3. Chalet and Lorraine glass are represented in the collections of the Royal Ontario Museum.

We think it is just gorgeous and are happy to have these pieces all from the same collector.

Vintage Canadian Chalet and Lorraine glass. Sparkly! Various prices.

Vintage Canadian Chalet and Lorraine glass.
Various prices.